The gist of the "Fax" today was that the Thanksgiving holiday has luckily remained just that, a day of giving thanks for all of the blessings that we have been so lucky to receive. Even when the next day is all about finding the best deals and starts the Christmas rush and when gift giving can get lost in the shuffle of gift getting (in my case anyway), the fourth Thursday in November is always set aside for us to stop and give thanks for everything we have and to enjoy the blessings of family and food especially, not to mention, tons of it!
So, this is me, taking the time to think more about what a great holiday Thanksgiving is and to mention to all of those that do and don't know my dad, that he is pretty awesome and that I understand a little more now why he loves this day more than any other holiday. If you're reading DT, I love you more than I tell you and I am so thankful for you!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone and I pray that you all are blessed and thankful for the food and family you will enjoy wherever you are!