Sunday, October 9, 2011

Shaving like a grandfather

With the little one arriving in just 3 months now (3 MONTHS!) I will soon be outnumbered by ladies in this house 3 to 1. Maybel may not act like a lady, but she is a lady nonetheless. In an effort to increase the amount of testosterone in the house, some changes had to be made.

I have been reading a lot of blogs and websites, and talked to friends who have changed the way they have been shaving, so I decided to try shaving with a safety razor. After some research, I settled on a Gillette Super Adjustable razor. I found that on ebay, and it was made in 1974.

First shave was on Thursday, and it was very enjoyable. I actually enjoyed shaving! For the first time in my life, I can say that.

I set the first shave to music, and it synced up nicely with Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon. If it's good enough for the Wizard of Oz, it's good enough for me.

Now if I can just find a honeybadger hair shaving brush.

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