Friday, August 24, 2007

3 weeks.....

So, its been 3 weeks since our last post. Whats been happening? LIFE my friends!

Katie is quickly on her way to the Williamson County counselors Hall of Fame. Today is the end of her second week as a full-time School counselor, and she has the mustard to make it all the way thru the year. Katie loves mustard too. (French's only)

Justin (also known as "I") has/have been working away at the world of Dell Server sales, and managing to squeeze in a 73 on the golf course. MY BAD.

Some things we are realizing: We are terrible at writing Thank You notes. Somehow a Thank you e-mail just won't work.

Movie Quote of the day:
Hmmm. He seems like a nice guy.
This is the guy trying to buy the company, not to mention put you out on the street, and all you can say is, [sarcastically] "Hmmm, he seems like a nice guy!"


  1. Andrew,
    I think you read this more than my wife does. Is there a cracker Barrel in Memphis? If so, we're going for some 8B when I come to visit.

    And when I say come to visit, I don't know when that will be.
