Monday, October 29, 2007

Baby's first bath

Her bath, and she did so good! She's really the wash and wear dog.

More pictures here


  1. She is soooo cute...We can't wait to meet her. I love lab puppies.
    UNtil THen,

  2. Especially ones that shit in their crate, so you will LOVE Maybel.

  3. Andrew,
    Your dog had accidents too. Don't be so smug. You crapped in your diapers for years, so my dog has better bladder and bowel control than even you.

  4. Yeah bladder control is a big issue with some people. Some people still have to wear diapers in their twenties and thirties. Some even have to wear exepensive "adult" diapers when they run or play golf or sit at a desk all day.....

    I mean, those are some people, not me. Oh no, definetely not me. No problems here.....

    Back in a second I need to uh, well, oh crap......not again.

  5. Justin, I like how getting a dog has made you a kinder, softer Justin.

  6. No crap in the crate today! She is getting better, she still can't control herself completely. Please cut her some slack :)

  7. Have you tried sarcasm with her? Works on Maggie every time.

  8. I am trying to do that.

    Hey, Walter! Thanks for your "help" with the new off-white sofa. Everybody agrees that dump you left there was the perfect "accent". So, good job. Oh, and by the way, Milton Berle called. He wants his bladder back.
